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The Kanowna Belle underground mine had been in operation since 1995 with NSMS undertaking mining operations since 2014. The mining method is open stoping including paste fill. Development centres on exposing drill platforms for bulk and remnant stoping and recently commenced development towards the Joplin ore body.

NSMS Personnel
2014 - Ongoing
02 Sandvik 421 Jumbo
02 Epiroc Production Drill
05 Sandvik 517 Loader
07 Sandvik 663 Truck
02 Normet Charge Up Machine
04 Volvo Integrated Tool Carrier
01 CAT Grader
Commencing a mature age apprenticeship has got me out my comfort zone and given me the opportunity to learn while gaining a qualification I can use for the rest of my life. The experience is rewarding, it keeps me fit and a I get to work with a great crew.
2nd year Auto Electrical Apprentice – Kanowna Belle

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